MacBinary II+ is a System 7 drag&drop converter for MacBinary files. It has no User Interface, simply drop a MacBinary file on it and it will be decoded, drop any other file or folder on it and it will be encoded.
Ñ What is MacBinary II+
MacBinary is a binary (non-text) format that encodes Macintosh files so that they can be safely stored or transfered through non-Macintosh systems. MacBinary combines the two forks of a Mac file, together with the file information (Name, Creator Application, File Type, etc) into a single binary data stream, suitable for storage on non-Mac systems. This serves a simmilar purpose to BinHex, except that BinHex takes things even further and stores the file using only text characters, so that the file will be preserved on almost any system, and can be sent through Email or USENET News without loss or corruption.
MacBinary II is the current standard for the MacBinary format. I have further extended the format to allow the encoding of folder hierarchies into a single MacBinary II+ file. But be warned, currently no one else implements this extension, and it may well be that no one else ever will, so the only program you can use to decode folders stored in MacBinary II+ format is this one. Note that this does not affect files stored in MacBinary II format, since files use the MacBinary II format without the new extensions, so any MacBinary decoder should work happily.
Ñ Using MacBinary II+
Simply drop a file onto MacBinary II+ and it will be decoded (if its a MacBinary file) or encoded (otherwise).
I will probably add the rest of the User Interface at some point, but for now, this should do for most System 7 users.
Ñ Limitations
MacBinary II+ requires System 7, and probably requires the 128k ROM (or later).
Ñ Small Print
This program is Free. You can use it anywhere you want, you can do anything you like with it. You can sell it if you let people know that they could get it for free from elsewhere.
Ñ Warranty
There is absolutely NO warranty, guarantee, hint, suggestion or anything else that would lead anyone to think that MacBinary II+ do anything stated in this documentation. It usually does not destroy data (systems, hardware, etc), and has sometimes worked on my Mac with System 7.0. It will NOT work with older systems (pre 7.0) and probably not with the 64k ROM. It might work with the other models, but I don't have them all, so I don't know. It should work with or without any version of MacTCP. If it works on your system (or especially if it doesn╒t!), send me a postcard or some Email and let me know!
Ñ Fine Print
Peter Lewis hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Peter Lewis will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Peter Lewis or an agent of his has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Peter Lewis be liable for any damages, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.
Ñ How It Works
MacBinary II+ listens for odoc AppleEvents, adds the files to a list. It then goes thru and ecodes each file/folder into a MacBinary II+ file. Encoding a file is fairly easy, it just requires creating a header block (see the MacBinary II specs) and then putting the data fork and then the resource fork after it. Encoding a folder is not much more difficult, simply output a Start Block (see the MacBinary II+ sepcs), output each file/folder inside the folder, and then output an End Block.
Ñ Version History
Still to do -
Simple UI for selecting files/folders (Apple, File, Edit menu etc)
~Puts .bin.bin on the name
~Doesn't recognize MacBinary 1 format files.
Ñ The Author
Other programs written by me:
DeHQX 2.0.0 - BinHex decoder - superceeded by StuffIt Expander